TOP 5 Why Zelda:Twilight Princess SUCKS

Published on by Benzaie


Published on TOP 5

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<br /> I did indeed hear those lies, but what your missing is that it is indeed good for a zelda game, it has exactly the feeling of previous ones and is one of my favroite zelda games, the items are used<br /> in unique ways, the double clawshot was fucking amazing and clearly you don't know what a good game is, so again, go kill yourself<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> i see we have a fucking idiot here... when i see shit like this that puts down an amazing game because he probably rage quit playing it, i just think to myself "what is the world coming to, posting<br /> shit like this online.." well good sir i hope you go die in a hole.. alone... you motherfucker<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> Lol so you didn't listen to the part where I say the game is actually good but not for a Zelda game, and that I finished it in less than 12 hours on my 2nd playthrough ???<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Fuck you nerd!<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> totallement d'accord avec toi benzaie, twilight princess est le seul zelda que je n'ai pas aimé et que ne referai jamais, contrairement aux autres, que j'ai tous fait au moins 2 fois!<br /> <br /> pas un mauvais jeu mais le pire zelda existant, pas ce qu'on attend de la série (même si y a des bon point, par exemple midna, un des meilleur perso de la série)<br /> <br /> mes préféré sont alttp, wind waker et majora mask! (mais je les ai tous aimé sauf twilight princess)<br /> <br /> english :<br /> <br /> totally agree with you benzaie, twilight princess is the only zelda that i didn't like and i will never play it again! unlike all the other game of the franchise, that i finished at least 2<br /> times!<br /> <br /> not a bad game really, but an horrible zelda, that's not what i except from this franchise! (but there were good points tough, like midna, one of the best character in the zelda franchise for<br /> me)<br /> <br /> my favorites are alttp, majora's mask and wind waker (but i love them all, except twilight princess)<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> I don't want to be seen as a blind fan who would always agree with you, but you did echo most of my thoughts about this game. Only you seem to have liked Wind Waker better than I did (I found it<br /> nearly boring, but not as much as this one).<br /> <br /> I'll say this, personally I would have had no problem with it if it only tried to be as good as Ocarina of Time, even though I'd have preferred an original direction like Majora's Mask did very<br /> well in my opinion. But it did not live up to Ocarina's standards.<br /> <br /> The story was trying to be more mature, yet it's Zelda made by Nintendo and so it did not explore its potential deeply enough. All Zelda games have a basic storyline and this one seemed to try to<br /> make you think it had more, while still having a very basic story.<br /> <br /> The biggest problem of all I think, is that the level design is, as you mentioned, not very good. I nearly forgot about all the dungeons as soon as I finished them and the unique items are not<br /> really useful for most of them.<br /> <br /> In the end, I don't know. The game was not pure crap, it did work well enough, but it's like Indiana Jones 4. That movie did have some references to old serials, some action and exploration, all<br /> the elements of previous Indy films, yet it was boring with nothing exciting to offer. When you play Zelda, you expect the same as when you see a new Indy movie, you expect greatness. When the game<br /> is generic and does everything you expect it to do at a bare minimum, that's not good enough for this series (not mentioning that any generic game can't expect to be called great and remembered for<br /> generations, no matter what's the title).<br /> <br /> But that's an opinion, I'm sure for some kid somewhere, this is the first Zelda game he or she ever played and he or she finds it fantastic. As a guy who played lots of Zelda games including the<br /> classic ones, I expected something great, which I did not get. I just hope they try something different, as long as it's working. Maybe I'm just crazy, I'm the guy that liked Zelda II and Majora's<br /> Mask...<br /> <br /> <br />